Project Description: Magento Migration to version 2.3 from 1.9.0
Technologies: Magento 2.3
Seasonal Whispers
Project Description: Real Estate Agency
Visitors to the homepage select the type of property they are looking for, its geographical area, budget range, buy, sell, rent, and/or lease. Custom developed using JavaScript and PHP integrated with Joomla $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
OS Property Real Estate extension
Technologies: Joomla!
(currently under development)
Esther Lixenberg
Project Description: Amazon Store & FBA integration
SkinShineBartm , a line of skincare products that uses stem cell biotechnology based on marine plants and fruits of the earth.
Technologies: OSCommerce & WordPress
Project Description: A professionally customized site done for an experiential design firm in NYC
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Elementor
Platform: WordPress
el studio

Project Description: Theme Customization, Shopify
Tyler Goldfarb , photographer and artist.
Technologies: liquid template for artwork pieces,, collection and subcollection drill down with naigation , popup modals,
Project Description: Ontology Guided Focused Crawler
OrbWeaver Spider Alpha Version 10.129
FocalPursuit develops a solution applied for unstructured data within the public domain. The application is a semi-supervised ontology guided focus crawler technology that uses natural language processing to obtaing meaninful data from unstructured data sources located in the public domain. The technology is an OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) technology used for business and scientific research purposes.
Java/J2EE, MySQL, Maven, Xampp, Ubuntu, JavaScript

Project description: Migration and Upgrade of Retail and Wholesale Sites
Arbel Judaica | Judaica Wholesale | Emanuel Judaica
Offering products of upcoming designers.in addition to Emanuel Judaica, an internationally renown designer of jewish ceremonial art. .
Technologies: Zen Cart
Arbel Judaica

Project description: NYS Industrial
A subsidiary of Navry Fuels & services, a provider of maritime services in the port of Haifa, Israel
Technologies: Joomla!
NYSPast Projects:
Law Offices of Dweck Brant
Optica-Direct, A prescription eyewear site integrated with virtual tryon
Platform: Zen Cart
Status: inactive
Original site | upgrade under development zen cart 1.56c
Online Grocers, two online stores, Prizol and YarkanSheli
Platform: Zen Cart
Status: inactive
Original sites prizol yarkansheli | upgrade under development zen cart 1.56c